Statistics within AutoPod are calculated using Access logs for files that have been downloaded by members of the public.
Due to the distributed nature of podcast listenership (e.g. across a large number of applications and platforms like Echo smart speakers) we group listeners by IP address in a given 1 hour period.
At the time of writing we make statistics available for the whole stream, shows and for individual episodes.
Statistics are updated once per hour.
Statistics are shown on the home page of the dashboad, show pages and episode pages. Statistics are not shown for shows and episodes where there have been no listens.

We are working hard to add more meaningful data to the available statistrics and soon hope to be able to break down listens by device / application and provide a more interactive way of manipulating views of the data. Unfortunately as a small team this is taking a large amount of our time and we will update this page as soon as we are able.