Listen Again & Podcast Hosting

Designed and built in-house from the ground up, AutoPod is invaluable for all live broadcasters. Revolutionise how your listeners can catch up with previously broadcast shows.

Reel to Reel recorder

What is AutoPod?

AutoPod records your station output 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, automatically transforming your shows into Podcasts based on your schedule and making them available to listeners on your website or in their favourite Podcast app (Such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify & More).

  • Automatic Podcast Creation
  • Set and Forget
  • Embeddable Widgets
  • RSS for Podcast Apps
  • Create Podcasts in hindsight
  • Optional manual uploads
  • Download and keep
  • Nothing to download, run or install, entirely Cloud Based
  • No limit on listener downloads or plays
  • You own your own content and are in full control to download, delete, edit and share

Fully automatic

No more manually asking presenters to manually record and upload their shows, simply enter your show details, setup the schedule and Podcasts will be created automatically.

Simple for your listeners

Embeddable HTML widgets that you can put in your own website (or share with others) that display your latest shows automatically, and RSS feeds that can be shared to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and more.

Always recording

Unexpected schedule change? no problem, we keep a constant recording of your output (at original quality) and store it for 42 days. Turn past content into a new episode at any time. AutoPod can also be used for OFCOM and FCC compliance recording.

Web exclusive podcasts

Upload any audio file and turn it into a show for immediate or scheduled release - no need to broadcast on the radio - similar to services such as MixCloud or Captivate.

Audui Jacks

Embed your content on any website

Each stream and show have their own embeddable content for you to share directly on other websites, episodes have links for social media & direct sharing. The content below is pulled directly from AutoPod – Click on any episode to launch the AutoPod Player!

Master your content using the AutoPod Dashboard

Update your schedule, Change Show details, Download Episodes, Share content to social media, Get RSS feeds, Embed on your own website and much more!

Embeddable Search

Embeddable search widget so your listeners can find all your shows.

RSS – Share Anywhere

Each show added to AutoPod gets its own unique RSS feed. This feed can be shared anywhere that supports RSS allowing you to extend the features of the system beyond those that we have even thought of. One great example being automatically posting shows to Social Media when they are created using a service like ‘Zapier’ or installing software on your own computer to automatically download every episode that is generated (so you can keep for as long as you like). We even have some members using the service to automatically add shows back into their play-out system so that they don’t have to manually add repeat episodes to the schedule.

Full Shows View

Get a list of all your shows to embed on your own site

Delegated User Access

Allow presenters / producers to access and edit their own shows, download their own content and get all the relevant bits and pieces they need, without giving them access to ‘administrative’ features such as editing the schedule for the whole station. You are fully in control of their accounts and can delete / change them as needed.

AutoPod Delegate Dashboard

The simplified dashboard can be configured with any number of shows. Have a presenter who is also a producer for another show? give them access to both etc. We’ve found that this feature is nice for presenters who also like to download a copy of their own content, without having to bother you for the Station Output Logs!

Case Studies

Interested in finding out how AutoPod can work for your station? Take a look at our case studies to see how you can use AutoPod to revolutionise your content


All tiers of AutoPod have the same functionality, the only difference being the amount of time that content is made publically available

AutoPod 14

  • Use code AutoPodTrial for a 1 month trial of this service
  • Retains episodes for 14 days
  • Automatically generates listen again episodes
  • Upload episodes manually if needed
  • Embeddable Widgets
  • Compatible with all common Podcast clients
  • Full Podcast Management
  • Works with any stream provider


AutoPod 90

  • Use code AutoPodTrial for a 1 month trial of this service
  • Retains episodes for 90 days
  • Automatically generates listen again episodes
  • Upload episodes manually if needed
  • Embeddable Widgets
  • Compatible with all common Podcast clients
  • Full Podcast Management
  • Works with any stream provider


AutoPod 365

  • Use code AutoPodTrial for a 1 month trial of this service
  • Retains episodes for 365 days
  • Automatically generates listen again episodes
  • Upload episodes manually if needed
  • Embeddable Widgets
  • Compatible with all common Podcast clients
  • Full Podcast Management
  • Works with any stream provider


Pricing does not include the costs of any external licensing requirements for content. These must be obtained / managed by individuals – in much the same way that we mange our Stream Hosting, providing a platform for content but not owners of the content itself

Full Features List & Technical Details

The dashboard is the central management point of the system, allowing you to administer shows, make changes to the schedule, change information/add new imagery to episodes and all other administrative tasks.

Here you can see a list of all episodes that have been generated, gather shareable links for the content you have made.

  • Add / Edit / Delete Shows
  • Option to trim the first 120 seconds of a given show to account for any national news at the beginning of the programme
  • Add / Edit / Generate / Delete Episodes
  • Automatic episode generation based on the schedule
  • Manual episode generation at any point in the last 42 days
  • Manual episode added by uploading MP3 file
  • List all episodes
  • List all shows
  • Download episodes to keep on your own computer
  • Transfer episodes between shows
  • Add different presenters to individual episodes if a show is being ‘covered’ by a different presenter
  • Descriptions for episodes and shows can be ‘multi-line’ allowing you to add information such as a Track
  • List or longer form content as information about a given episode or show
  • HTML / website code to embed content in your own website(s)
  • Embed all episodes for the radio station as a single list
  • Embed all episodes within a given show – useful for putting on ‘Presenter Pages’ or ‘Show Pages’ if
  • you have these on your Stations website
  • HTML embed is not limited to your own website
  • Change the schedule to match your own broadcast schedule and shows will be generated automatically
  • RSS Feed Links
  • Links to RSS feeds for individual shows
  • Link to RSS feed for the whole station
  • RSS Feeds are compatible with all major podcasting platforms
  • Mobile friendly but desktop first
  • Dark mode that follows the operating system automatically
  • 24/7 audio recording of an online feed (regardless of schedule/episode generation)
  • Audio captured in the original streamed quality, no transcoding of audio to lower quality formats
  • Raw recorded audio stored on highly resilient storage platform with 99.999999999% durability
  • Automatic recovery if there is a problem with the stream being recorded
  • Audio quality not changed from original broadcast
  • ‘Best Effort’ generation. If there has been a drop in the stream (say that there was a power cut at the radio station or some other issue) only the ‘missing’ part of the episode will be skipped rather than losing the whole episode
  • Episodes kept for as long as the AutoPod Plan that you have opted for, 14, 90 or 365 days
  • Episodes stored on highly accessible storage and encrypted using SSL – ensuring no security warnings in web browsers and safer access to storage

When you embed widgets in your own websites episodes will always open in the AutoPod player. This player is hosted on our servers and it will show the episode image, title, broadcast time and have basic controls for the control of media playback. Limited keyboard shortcuts are also supported ‘space bar’ for play/pause and left/right arrows to jump forward / backward in 30 second increments.

  • Embeddable content for your own website
  • Episodes open in the ‘AutoPod Player’ popup window
  • Widgets encrypted with HTTPS / SSL certificates
  • Content respects ‘dark mode’ for devices such as iPhones, will show a black version of the player if a phone is in ‘dark mode’
  • RSS Feeds automatically updated
  • Show / Episode descriptions added to feeds
  • Presenter information added to shows
  • Multi-line description support for shows and episodes allowing information such as track listings to be added
  • AutoPod is cloud based across multiple vendors to help prevent against issues with an individual data centre
  • All data backed up on a daily basis
  • Recorders run independently of databases and other content – even during a major outage and if Podcasts cannot be generated, streams are still being recorded in the background and Podcasts will be generated as soon as failed services are restored
  • Podcasts are stored independently of the AutoPod systems, so even if there is a failure of AutoPod listeners will still be able to play Podcasts

A show is a container for a group of episodes. A show would be something such as “Drive Time”. Shows are added to the weekly schedule to allow AutoPod to automatically generate individual episodes.

An episode is an single instance of broadcasted / pre-recorded content. It has audio associated with it and other information can be assigned. An episode belongs to a Show and inherits infomation from a show if individual episode descriptions and titles have not been set. If an episode was part of the show “Drive Time” it would by default have a title such as “Drive Time – [Date of Broadcast]”. Episodes can be created in three different means.

  1. Automatically generated based on the schedule.
  2. Manually via file uploading.
  3. Manually via custom generation.

Manually added episodes can be scheduled for immediate release (with the time of the episode set in the past) or in the future. Episodes that are scheduled for the future will automatically become available as soon as the time they are scheduled for is reached. Therefore, it is also possible to add a group of episodes for release at specific times – e.g. say that you have an online exclusive series in 6 parts, each part can be added as an individual episode and then scheduled for release whenever you wanted, this could be all at once or at 21:00 every Friday evening for the next 6 weeks.

Manually generated episodes work in more or less the same way as Automatically generated episodes, the key difference being that the episode is generated based on custom settings decided by yourself. The minimum length of a generated episode is 1 minute and maximum is 16 hours. Like a manually added episode, a manually generated episode can be in the past (up to 42 days ago) or in the future. This is useful for times of special broadcasting nature outside the standard schedule (think of an election day or festival weekend) – you can pre-plan these individual manual episodes without having to make changes to the station schedule.

Schedule: The schedule is an assignable grid in increments of 15 minutes representing the overall show allocation for your station. This is the main source of information for the creation of episodes. The schedule will not update episodes that are generated for “the current day” as individual recordings are scheduled for the whole day at midnight. This has mainly been to prevent situations where the schedule changes whilst a show is being generated. You can edit the schedule for the day after the current day.