Basic Heirarchy

AutoPod has been designed to follow a basic heirarchy. Settings are usually applied to follow this heirarchy - for example, if a delay is set on the 'Stream' this will be applied to all shows and episodes within it, wheras if a trim start is applied to a show, it will only apply to episodes that are generated as part of the given show.

Simplified Diagram

The below diagram does not account for groups or all edge cases, but the basic structure is the same for all.



Groups contain many shows and episodes but are somewhat of an outlier to the above diagram. They are a way of curating content but from a technical perspective are not part of the 'chain' like others. For example, groups do not have settings that trickle down to their children (such as a trim start etc).


Users are assigned to an account. Although you will only have been provided one Adminstrator account for AutoPod as part of the initial setup process, if you need more accounts to access the dashboard as an admin then let us know and we are happy to create additional logins.

The dashboard allows you to create delegate users (but not admin users) these delegate users are able to view basic information about the stream and download episodes for shows that have been assigned to them. Delegate accounts are intentionally not able to carry out most tasks within AutoPod and are predominantly designed for presenters, not content adminstrators.

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